Interstate Matches:
We will have three interstate matches with Connecticut and Rhode Island, consisting of two head-to-head matches, and one Tri-State match. These interstate matches are limited to 12 BSSGA players per match. We will maintain a waitlist for the interstate matches and wait-listed members will be notified along with those members who have been accepted. If you are wait-listed, you are expected to reserve the date and be prepared to play.
Each match will include lunch, golf, and dinner after.The exact schedule will be available later.
As in past years, we are asking you to rank in order of priority those interstate matches in which you would like to play. "0" would indicate you do not want to play, "1" would be your first choice, and so on. Please mark every event even if you do not want to play.
No payment is due at this time.If you are selected to play in a team match, you will receive an invoice shortly after the deadline.You can forward your payment directly to our treasurer, David Reeves, or pay online at our web site.We kindly remind you that David is not a bill collector so please be conscientious about remitting your payment on a timely basis. NB: Any dues paying members who have not paid his dues by the time team assignments are made will not be assigned to a team.The fee for participating in an event will be $275.
If you have questions, please contact Dick Whitney, at [email protected], 781-248-8231
If you wish to sign up online use the link above.Otherwise, please return the enclosed "Sign-up Form" to: